
January 4th - In Thought

Word of the Day - Stigma

The social stigma attached to being an addict may keep many of us from coming into recovery.  Today we have scientific proof that addiction is a treatable disease.  However, society still views those suffering from addictions as weak or that they have a moral deficiency.  Because of this we hide our problem from our loved ones and others we are in contact with; going into isolation as our disease progresses.  

The stigmatized are often rejected by society.  Coming into recovery we gain new coping skills to deal with the rejection that often produces feelings of shame, guilt and low self-esteem.  We begin by actively listening to how other recovering addicts, that have had similar feelings of not fitting the mold of society’s ‘norm’, live their lives on life’s terms. We learn that we can not control how those who do not understand addictions feel about us but we can control how we react to being stigmatized.  Through self-honesty; admitting to ourselves that we suffer from the disease of addiction.  Empowering ourselves by accepting this and taking action to treat our chronic illness whether through self-help fellowships and/or professional mental health service we begin the work to free ourselves from active addiction; bringing us out of isolation and closer to being productive members of society.

I am a recovering addict and what you think of me is none of my business.”  

We have many advocates in recovery that are helping to reduce stigma and increase treatment for those with addiction.  Your best advocate in recovery to reduce stigma is your own recovery by empowering yourself with the tools to keep you from returning to active addiction and finding a new way to live and helping others to do the same.  

It will take time to and it will take work.  At first we may not see the change in ourselves but with continued work on our recovery; others will see the change in us.  We are not bad people trying to be good; we are sick people trying to well -  one day at a time.