“So, my birthday is in a few days and every time I get a msg that says, #HBD, I get all excited. Then I remember it’s not that!”
Easy Does It
“Misery is optional.”
“Oh really, did she like it?”
“I was sick and tired so I ran.
When I became sick and tired of being sick and tired I finally stopped running.”
“…Unfold those judgemental arms!”
Henry Rollins
“AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a medical condition that compromises the human immune system, leaving the body defenseless against opportunistic infections. Some medical treatments can slow the rate at which the immune system is weakened. Do not use the term “full-blown AIDS.” Individuals may be HIV-positive but not have AIDS. Avoid terms such as “AIDS sufferer” and “AIDS victim” because they imply powerlessness. Use “people with AIDS” or, if the context is medical, “AIDS patients.””