The Master Cleanse

Cleansing again Days 7, 8, 9, &10!!

I did it! Today is Day 10 of the Master Cleanse.  I feel great and it has help a lot with my muffin top (spare tire).  Still quite energized and not hungry however; not feeling hungry doesn’t mean that I have not had cravings especially during times where I am bored.  

This had me thinking about keeping myself active so I do not find myself standing in front of the open refrigerator, munching on everything, just because I think I’m hungry when I am really just bored.  I can always go for a walk and window shop. 

I made to the gym on Day 7 and 10 (light work out on both days; 20 mins of cardio on an elliptical machine and some weight training [lighter weights, less reps and one less set])

This is the last Master Cleanse of the year for me.  I believe I will do it once per year going forward, and the first weekend of June seems like the perfect time start.

BTW, I weighed myself this morning; I’m 147 lbs; I’ve lost 9 lbs total.  What I would like to do is gain that back as lean muscle.  Wish me luck!

Cleansing again Days 2 & 3

All is well!

This time, my Day 3 is a lot easier.  I don’t feeling killing anyone.  Day 2 i did have some cravings for some Chinese take-out but that passed.  

Feel quite energized… went to the gym for a some cardio.  

I did not do the optional Sea Salt water flush for Day 3.  I believe, this time I will stick to not doing it everyday (unlike last time); maybe 3 more flushes during the next 7 days.