The Master Cleanse - My Way
I promised that I would write a post about what did differently this around so here we go;
The number one thing, probably the most the important thing was I spoke my Doctor about my interest in starting a cleanse. In December, when I first attempted the MC, I just decided on my own that I would do this. All the while living in fear that my it would be detrimental to my health.
Not knowing what I was doing really, started the cleanse and after doing some research. I modified my the cleanse in December; I would take my medication with half a bottle of Muscle Milk protein shake. That may explain why I felt bloated during Day 2 and Day 3 the first time around (I had forgotten to mention the bloated feeling). For MC Redux, I left out the protein shakes. My doctor told me that my medications do not have to be take with food. He did warn me to stay away from juice cleanses that included grapefruit juice.
My Ease-in for MC Redux started a few days prior. I drank plenty of water, ate fruits and vegetables; and the day before was mostly juices and water with one salad for lunch. In December, I tried to ease-in but but the night before Day 1 I had a huge Chinese take-out meal (The salt water flush the next morning was grueling).
It is not recommended that you exercise while on the cleanse however, I did for the first three days; 30-45 minutes on the elliptical machine and some weight training. Again, do some research and talk to your doctor before deciding on cleansing and exercising during the cleanse. Before heading out the gym, I made sure to drink a full serving of the Lemonade (you need the carbs/calories).
Day 3 is a tough day (irritable, wanting to quitting), but I pushed through it (I felt the same in December). Both times I pushed through it. Day 4 felt better. Day 5 did get through in my first attempt but that night I knew I was done.
I am so glad I stuck it out! During Day 5 of MC Redux I felt energized and that stayed with me all through the Ease-out process after Day 10. My spirits were lifted, my friends and coworkers told my that I was glowing. Day 7 of came and I was bored with the cleanse that carried over into the morning of Day 8. My coworker reminded me to drink plenty of water in between the servings (also, caffeine-free herbal teas are OK to have on the Master Cleanse). It’s important to have someone that will support you while cleansing.
I was back at the gym for Days 9 and 10 feeling that I could take on the world.
Easing-out of the cleanse. I followed the suggests found here.
Moving forward, I’ve been trying to watch what I eat (less sweets, or at least a nice treat once or twice a week instead everyday). Having smaller portion and eating slower (giving my body enough time to tell my brain that I am full). Drinking lots of water and do at least 30 minutes of cardio 3 times per week.
I lost 13.2 lbs on the cleanse… I weighed-in at 176.6 lbs at the start of MC Redux.
I weighed myself today (2 ½ weeks later); 160.2 lbs.