
I Hate Asking for Help...

I hate asking for help. When I do, it’s usually the last resort. Expectations and reservations come with asking for help. Truth is, I don’t really believe that I deserve assistance in anything.

My stomach turns when I find myself asking someone to help me. Especially with money matters. Self-reliant, I should be. ‘I have survived with less,’ I tell myself. Certainly, I can get through this setback.

I don’t want to live my life full of resentments. When asking for help I must examine my motives, lower my expectations and dig deep for what reservations I may have. People are going to disappoint me. I am human and so is everyone else. I believe everyone has that one person in their life that is always saying that they’ll do this and that for you, or with you. Promises you things that you have never asked for, and those things are never come fruition. I’ve learned to not continue to reach for the dangling carrot, and I don’t bother to call them out on those offerings. I just smile and nod when I hear them talk it up. “That’s nice,” “Sounds like that would fun,” “Really?”

However, when it comes to when I truly need something, and I ask someone, out of desperation, for help, then please, don’t say, ‘yes,’ please don’t say that if you know you’re not going to do it.

It’s hard enough, deflating the ego and swallowing my pride; I already feel unworthy, undeserving, and not-good-enough. Sometimes the people closest to me are the ones that trigger these feelings. Truly, I’m tired of living in disappointment. It’s not their fault. Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting different results. Sometimes the people closest to me are part of the people, places, and things that I need to stay away from.

This post is me processing my feelings. I am not in control of other people. I am, however, in control of how I react to people and how I react to situations. Getting high is never the right answer. Pushing through this; I’ll be ok.

So I asked...

The important word here is Feel…

This is how I felt when I woke up this morning.  I did not feel this last night, and I currently don’t feel this way.  Feelings are not facts, but it is a fact that I do feel; I’m human.  I am processing events that have occurred recently which have triggered feelings of undeserving, not being good enough, embarrassment, feeling stupid, and today used.  

However, I am deserving, good enough, have nothing to be embarrassment about regarding these last few days, I am not stupid, and whether or not I was being used, there is no evidence to support that either side.  These are just feelings and I am processing them, in my own way, without having to use a drug to numb out or use a person to validate me.  

Going through what I am/was feeling.. The undeserving and not good enough kicked up lots of childhood drama.  The truth is I am not a child and how I was treated then does not mirror what is happening now.  Being embarrassed and feeling stupid because I am asking myself, “Did this just happen again?” In all honesty, the situation and circumstances are not the same as before even though my feelings are similar.  As for being used, an unhealthy coping mechanism for what I am feeling is to blame something or someone else.  

So I asked..

“You ever feel like you were just someone’s boot disk until they figure out what’s wrong w/their system then back in the drawer you go?”

This Too Shall Pass

So, yesterday I blogged a post

Don’t Super-size Me

I needed to work somethings out.  I felt fine until around 10:45pm when a fellow asked me if I was heading uptown; my answer was no.  A few of us were going to grab some pizza and I told him that I was going with them.  He scoffed and said, “Go and eat your pizza so you can get,” he stopped there and made a gesture with his harms as if to represent growing or expanding in size.  

It hurt but I didn’t say anything.  I didn’t want to feed into anything as find this person can be very confrontational.  Nonetheless, now I have to sit with the same feelings that I thought I worked out in my earlier post.

Anyway… I’m gonna sleep on it.

Word of the Day - Feeling




1.the function or the power of perceiving by touch.

2.physical sensation not connected with sight, hearing, taste, or smell.

3.a particular sensation of this kind: a feeling of warmth; a feeling of pain.

4.the general state of consciousness considered independently of particular sensations, thoughts, etc.

5.a consciousness or vague awareness: a feeling of inferiority.

6.an emotion or emotional perception or attitude: a feeling of joy; a feeling of sorrow.

7.capacity for emotion, especially compassion: to have great feeling for the sufferings of others.

8.a sentiment; attitude; opinion: The general feeling was in favor of the proposal.

9.feelings, sensibilities; susceptibilities: to hurt one’s feelings.

10.fine emotional endowment.

11.(in music, art, etc.)
    a.emotion or sympathetic perception revealed by an artist in his or her work: a poem without feeling.
    b.the general impression conveyed by a work: a landscape painting with a spacious feeling.
    c.sympathetic appreciation, as of music: to play with feeling.

12.sensitive; sentient.

13.readily affected by emotion; sympathetic: a feeling heart.

14.indicating or characterized by emotion: a feeling reply to the charge.