
Dear Santa, Let Rick Perry know...

That from now on,

USMC will be known as Uniquely Stylish Men’s Club

ARMY will become FISTY

NAVY we will change to MAUVE

Air Force will simply be known as Queef.

And Christmas will be moved to the last Sunday in June so kids can pray, in school, during finals, that they grow-up to be as smart and as fabulous as the gay Santas, and Mrs Clauses, coming to town for the holiday.

We say, "Gay!"

Tennessee lawmakers want to make saying the word ’ gay ’ a crime.

We say gay for the students who won’t be able to. This site is dedicated to fight against the Tennessee state bill SB0049 (Don’t say gay bill), which would make it a misdemeanor to talk about homosexuality in grades bellow 9th. That is an obvious insult to our first amendment rights to free speech as well as it is a major blow to those young people who are shunned by their own parents for being gay and soon will not be able to talk to their school about it.