
Self-Esteem Can Be an Ego Trap

face on ballon, man face on balloon, balloon, balloons in sky
Image: Aaron Goodman

“If your self-worth depends on success, you may be in for a fall. To feel good about yourself, think less about you and more about others”

Florence Cassassuce, a project coordinator for a Mexican nonprofit group, should have been having the best year of her life. It was 2007, and her work on water purification in Mexico had been credited with curbing the well contamination that leads to waterborne illness. She received widespread recognition for her endeavors, having been named a CNN Hero finalist and World Bank award winner. Although Cassassuce could hardly have achieved more, she did not feel the kind of inner satisfaction that most of us think accompanies such great strides. “I did not want to continue living life like this,” Cassassuce recalls, “searching for external sources of gratification to very temporarily boost my self-esteem.”

Self-esteem, or a person’s overall sense of self-worth, is generally considered to be critical to healthy functioning. Its darker side, however, has been largely overlooked. As Cassassuce’s experience suggests, the quest for greater self-esteem can leave people feeling empty and dissatisfied. Recent research bolsters the case. Even when we achieve goals we anticipate will make us feel good about ourselves, high self-esteem may still elude us because self-esteem that is contingent on success is fragile.

It turns out that having self-esteem, as a fairly stable personality trait, does have a few modest benefits. High self-esteem also has drawbacks, however, and is mostly irrelevant for success. Further the pursuit of self-esteem is clearly detrimental to well-being. When people chase after a stronger sense of self-worth, it becomes their ultimate goal, leading them to sacrifice other aspirations, such as learning or doing what is good for others.

The hunt for self-esteem through a focus on achievement makes us emotionally vulnerable to life’s inevitable travails and disappointments. It also causes us to engage in behaviors that can actually harm our chances of success, our competence and our personal relationships. A far better way to bolster your sense of self-worth is, ironically, to think about yourself less. Compassion toward others and yourself, along with a less self-centered perspective on your situation, can motivate you to achieve your goals while helping you weather bad news, learn from your mistakes and fortify your friendships.

Rocky Road

Scientists define self-esteem as the amount of value people place on themselves—an inherently subjective assessment. Researchers typically measure this value using self-report scales, including statements such as “I take a positive attitude toward myself,” indicating a positive evaluation of oneself, or “All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure,” denoting a more negative self-appraisal. Someone with a highly favorable overall self-evaluation has high self-esteem; a person who judges himself or herself unfavorably has low self-worth.

Back in the 1980s, many academic psychologists, policy makers and others became concerned about low self-esteem among the populace. They argued that solving this problem would create more productive citizens and lead to fewer social ills such as crime and school failure. The self-esteem movement began. Schools and other institutions poured resources into interventions designed to raise self-esteem, particularly in children. These programs typically centered on lots of positive feedback—irrespective of performance—and exercises in which individuals expounded on their positive qualities. In “I Love Me” lessons, for example, students were encouraged to complete the phrase “I am …” with positive words such as “beautiful” or “gifted.” Those performing below grade level were taught to focus on their potential rather than their shortcomings. In 1986, for example, California allocated $245,000 a year to its Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility, under the assumption that the money would be repaid through lower rates of crime, welfare dependency, unwanted pregnancy, drug addiction and school failure.


Do you have High or Low Self Esteem?


High self-esteem

A person with high self-esteem is likely to demonstrate the following characteristics:

1. Knows what they value and believe. Is happy and willing to defend their viewpoints, even when others disagree with them. Are secure enough to modify and change their views or behaviour in light of new information and experience.

2. Makes decisions and acts based on their own assessments and judgments. Doesn’t feel guilty if others don’t like, or disagree with, their choices.

 3. Doesn’t waste time worrying about things that went wrong in the past, nor about things that could go wrong in the future. They learn from mistakes, plan for the future, and live life fully in the present.

4. Have faith in themselves, their ability to solve problems, and to cope with life’s challenges. They are not undermined by past failures and challenges. They are able to ask for help when they need it.

5. Respect themselves and other people. They don’t see themselves as being better or worse than others. Instead, they recognise that people are simply different from each other.

6. Values and are interested in themselves and their life – and takes it for granted that others will like and value them, too (at least their close friends and family).  

7. Resists being manipulated by others. Will only adapt and collaborate with others if it is appropriate and convenient. Isn’t easily threatened or undermined by others.

8. Has no problem admitting that they have their ups and downs, and things go badly or fall apart at times.  They are also aware of, and sensitive to, the feelings and needs of others.   

In summary: A person with high self-esteem is confident in who they are. They don’t need constant reassurances from others to maintain a positive view of themselves.

Low self-esteem

A person with low self-esteem is likely to demonstrate the following characteristics:

1. Experiences intense self-criticism. Is usually dissatisfied with themselves and their personality.

2. Is hypersensitive to criticism from others. Experiences feelings of intense resentment towards the person who is criticising them.  Feels as if they are constantly being attacked and criticised by others.

3. Suffers from chronic indecision as they’re terrified of making a mistake.

4. Has an excessive desire to please and be acceptable to others; really does not want to upset or displease anyone who is important to them.

 5. Demonstrates perfectionist tendencies. This leads to frustration as perfection is not an achievable goal.

 6. Lives with constant feelings of neurotic guilt. Continually ruminates on, and over-exaggerates, past mistakes and failings.

7.  Is constantly fighting feelings of free floating anxiety and hostility; also, feelings of irritability and defensiveness. These are not necessarily tied into any particular person or event.

8. Generally feels pessimistic about things. Expects to do badly, or for things to go wrong. Views temporary setbacks as being permanent, and terrible.

In summary: People with low self-esteem are often devastated any kind of negative feedback or criticism. They tend to take it very personally. This is partly because they are already highly critical of themselves, and depend on the approval of others in order to feel OK.