Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur’s Inspirational Transformation! (by Diamond Dallas Page)
The Master Cleanse Redux - Day 4:
Today I got to experience how draining certain emotions/feelings can be. I found myself discontent early this evening at work. This feeling and all the thoughts that came with it was very draining physically. The Master Cleanse is low calorie (I’m doing 6 servings per day). I was amazed at how much energy it to for me be in an irritable state.
So, if I am detoxing my body, then I suppose it would be advantageous to practice detoxing of the mind and spirit. When my spirit was lifted and my head was not filled with racing thoughts I felt more energized before the incident.
I have a few short guided meditation that I could start using. Also, it won’t hurt to pause and ground myself when I feel my head is going off on some tangent that will only upset me, or make me more upset about something.