noun, verb, -ured, -ur·ing.
1. a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
2. a system of measurement: liquid measure.
3. an instrument, as a graduated rod or a container of standard capacity, for measuring.
4. the extent, dimensions, quantity, etc., of something, ascertained especially by comparison with a standard: to take the measure of a thing.
5. the act or process of ascertaining the extent, dimensions, or quantity of something; measurement.
7. any standard of comparison, estimation, or judgment.
8. a quantity, degree, or proportion: in large measure.
9. a moderate amount: to live with a measure of enjoyment.
10. a limit, or an extent or degree not to be exceeded: to know no measure.
11. reasonable bounds or limits: to know no measure.
12. a legislative bill or enactment: The senate passed the new measure.
13. Usually, measures. actions or procedures intended as a means to an end: to take measures to avert suspicion.