character defects

Word of the Day - Defect


[n. dee-fekt, dih-fekt; v. dih-fekt]

1.a shortcoming, fault, or imperfection: a defect in an argument; a defect in a machine.

2.lack or want, especially of something essential to perfection or completeness; deficiency: a defect in hearing.

3.Also called crystal defect, lattice defect. Crystallography . a discontinuity in the lattice of a crystal caused by missing or extra atoms or ions, or by dislocations.

–verb (used without object) desert a cause, country, etc., especially in order to adopt another (often followed by from  or to ): He defected from the U.S.S.R to the West.

1. Defect, blemish, flaw  refer to faults that detract from perfection. Defect  is the general word for any kind of shortcoming or imperfection, whether literal or figurative: a defect in eyesight, in a plan.  A blemish  is usually a defect on a surface, which mars the appearance: a blemish on her cheek. Flaw  is applied to a defect in quality, caused by imperfect structure (as in a diamond) or brought about during manufacture (as in texture of cloth, in clearness of glass, etc.).

Me No Hater!!

I am really trying to not hate on anyone right now.  People just need to say what they really mean; find the words or shut the fuck up! 

It’s worse when the person starts out using a tone where they are clearly passing judgement and then half-way through they include the words “…this is not to say…” or “…I’m not saying that…” Basically, they caught themselves and are trying to fix things before his/her audience begins to pass judgement on them.  “Don’t get me wrong..” is another one.  Guess what?  I am about to use one of them!

Don’t get me wrong, I know I am being hypocritical right now.  I am just extremely tired of pompous, pretentious, self-righteous, silver spoon sucking pricks! 

These are character defects, some I may have, and I pray that may be removed from me.

just sayin’

I know I can’t change them, but I can choose how I react to these kind of people.  Today, I blogged about it.  I will pray for them and I will pray that I do not harbor a resentment.

I hate this feeling… This too shall pass because deep down inside Me No Hater!