
February 3rd - In Thought

Word of the Day - Euphoric

I am find myself in states of euphoria in recovery and this feeling is now welcomed and appreciated in my life.  Happiness was something that was lost to me in active addiction.  

A power greater than me rushes over me.  Where does it come from? I don’t know.  Why am I having it?  I truly believe staying clean is a big part of it.  The work I put into my recovery comes back to me as rewards of serenity and happiness.  

My miserable existence, when I was using, included happy feelings only when I got what I wanted.  Even after that was accomplished I soon wanted something else and would go  about getting my way whatever way I had to. I was never satisfied.  Chasing after what I thought made me happy (validation, success, love) still feeling that I didn’t deserve any of it.  I feared all of it (I could accept a compliment I thought everyone was just being nice to me; I didn’t feel that I was good enough to make it in this world; I felt that I found love that it would be taken from me because i am destined to be alone).  Those things I feared, I chased.

Today, I have given myself permission to be happy.  To enjoy living, even with life’s ups and downs (it’s not all Rainbows and Unicorns) and that’s OK.      Staying clean is given me a high that I could never achieve on drugs.  I am going to continue to work on my happiness - one day at a time.