

Don’t ever command me to, or demand of me to, forget about slavery. Don’t tell me it happened years ago and those people are dead now. Don’t tell me to get over it! This centuries old grudge that they have had against the nation of my People… My mother tried to explain this to me decades ago and I wasn’t sure what to think because of my US of A schooling.

They (Europe) could not get over the fact that these slaves freed themselves. Their revolution inspired enslaved people in other nations to revolt. Haiti opened its ports to freed people seeking asylum… White supremacist European leaders hated Haiti for this… America didn’t even recognized Haiti as a free nation until Lincoln (over 60 years later). The  so called protector of the Western hemisphere [America], turned its back while France continued to threaten Haiti with invasion and enslavement. America and Europe would not trade with Haiti. They allowed France to extort ~22 billion dollars from this tiny nation.

People want us to forget slavery and yet these countries’ couldn’t let go of this grudge;

Let this country be free…. They had everyone believe that our religion, that is older than Christianity, was something evil…. That we were a backwards nation of people (black) that should be feared…. They had everyone believe, for a good amount time, that HIV/AIDS came from Haiti… They punished Haiti and continue to punish Haiti for truly being a land of the free and a home of the brave.

Let my people go!

Today, I have never been more proud to be the child of Haitian parents.


Forget? This is happening in my lifetime

Christian Ledan

I will reblog this often

Hey, @realDonaldTrump, I posted this a while ago… here’s a history lesson on why #Haiti suffers so much.  

Go Ahead... Open It!

Open Relationships… 

I personally would not want to be in one.  Maybe I’m greedy, maybe I’m old fashion (Funny, if you go back far enough, polygamy was a lot more common; being old fashion is relative), maybe I’m afraid of the notion. 

What I would like to know is a casual sexual encounter outside the relationship just that “casual sex” and when is it cheating?

So, maybe I’m greedy or selfish and I want someone all to myself.  I could also say, if my potential partner wanted an open relationship, that that is greedy too.  I have known a few mixed HIV status couples who have open relationships that each partner could still have a certain type of sex that they could not have with their lover.  I have also met monogamous couples, of mixed status, that say that have great safer-sex and don’t see any reason to go outside of the relationship.  I ask, if your lover is not giving you what you want, then why are you together?  Is one just in love with the fact they can say to someone that they have a boyfriend or girlfriend; a lover? 

Maybe a little old fashioned; I do love the idea of courtship, falling in-love, growing old together.  Yeah, I know, it’s almost 2013 and relationship dynamics have changed greatly.  The ways that we find true love has changed since World Wide Web came into the fold.  Hey, whatever works for you!  Give me the corny, romantic, make me swoon prose and verses any day.  I don’t see how, for myself, discussing having an open relationship with a partner would keep me weak in the knees but, that’s just me.

If I were in an open relationship, I believe that I would live in fear of the other man, or men.  What if my lover leaves for one of them? What if I find myself falling for someone that I have hooked-up with a few times?  What are terms of an open relationship anyway?  Having an a lovers’ quarrel at home and storming out, then finding a someone to have sex with - is that cheating? Sounds like one is having make-up sex with wrong person.  That’s just my opinion.  

Hey, I am sure open relationships work for many couples and I am all for whatever makes you a happy couple; keyword: HAPPY.   I’m just putting down some thoughts; comments are welcomed below.