One Year

Here is the sitch...

Follow up on my post Pieces of Me

I have lost a total of 15 lbs now.  W00T!

I received the results of my biopsies… It appears that there is more High Grade Precancerous tissue that will need to be removed.  Better to catch it now… than to have it mutate into cancer later. Procedures will done next month.

On another note, this passed Monday was my one year anniversary of being clean and sober.  What a ride it has been, and I don’t plan on getting off.  My life has changed, I am not thinking of, or planning, my next suicide attempt; living feels better.  Life isn’t easy, but I am OK with it.  Certain healthy changes I want to make in my life I have already planted the seed for and someday they will come into fruition.  

Extremely grateful to everyone that has supported and that continue to support me on my journey.  Merci!