#Transracial is not real! Soon People like #ChetHanks will claim to be transracial to justify their use of the #Nword… #FuckRachel #race
— Christian Ledan (@angelindiskies) June 17, 2015
The 8 White Identities, by Barnor Hesse. Breaking down the white gaze.
#Love, live it!
Thousands Of Dominicans Woke Up This Week Without Citizenship In Any Country →
Thousands of Dominicans woke up stateless on Monday, after the deadline expired for people born to undocumented parents to apply for migrant permits under a widely criticized 2014 law, according to human rights watchdog Amnesty International.
The result of a longstanding political battle against illegal immigration from neighboring Haiti, the vast majority of those affected are descendants of Haitian migrants. Without citizenship in the country of their birth, the newly stateless people will be subject to deportation.
It remains unclear precisely how many people failed to secure citizenship in the country of their birth by last night’s deadline, but Amnesty cited Dominican government figures showing that only 5,345 people had applied to normalize their status as of Jan. 9, out of an estimated 110,000 people estimated to qualify. READ MORE
“These indictments that are not happening… followed by widespread protests…
Police State? hmmm… is this a prelude to Martial Law? They want us to get violent.. they want us to vandalize and loot… commit assault. They want us to give them a reason for a Police State.
Keep the peace… don’t let them trick us into a Military Regime.
Christian Ledan
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
NEWSNIGHT: Steve McQueen full interview
@ 2:29 and his response is #EPIC
“One ever feels his twoness,–an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.”

As a black person this makes me really proud but at the same time it really frustrates me because the news never focus on the positive qualities of blacks which in reality actually out weighs the negatives but the media only focus on the negatives.. why does a 4 year old black boy cussing makes huge media headlines but a 4 year black girl genius does not……that’s what really frustrates me.
what really frustrates me is that these people are all younger than me and have their whole life planned and are freaking geniuses and I’m here learning how to draw a cat with online tutorials.
“why does a 4 year old black boy cussing makes huge media headlines but a 4 year black girl genius does not”
Exactly!!! You won’t see Fox News reporting this
Yesterday we reported on the virtual sweeping-under-the-rug of the death of Dione Payne, 16, of Dayton, Ohio. The Dayton Daily News, one of the only local sources to report on the rape, and beating death of the youth seemed more interested in focusing on the “troubled past” of the victim, instead of the past of the murderers.
Michael A. Geldrich, 36, and Michael J. Watson, 39, are both being held in the Warren County Jail for the December 1 beating death of the young Payne. Miami Valley Hospital workers discovered that Payne had been sexually assaulted during the attack. Hospital personnel contacted Middletown police and stated the teen had been sexually assaulted, according to the police report. But thus far, no rape charges have been brought, and hate crime charges have been dismissed point blank by Franklin Police Chief Russ Whitman, who said there is “no evidence” that there was a racial motive to the rape and murder of this 16-year-old African American.
To add insult to injury, some local media reports have fixated on a checkered history of the juvenile: possessing narcotics, and even allegations that he had fired gun shots in the past. They talked about morbid comments made on his Facebook account before the day he was raped and beaten to death. They even called the 16-year-old out for getting arrested for littering. What they did not do was explain why the police have ruled out a racial motive to the attack, and why the Warren County Prosecutor has neither pursued hate crime charges, nor even charged the attackers with rape.
These questions still remain unanswered. But there is more that we can do besides reading about this frustrating account and getting on with our day in silence. What can you do? Well for starters, contact the Warren County Prosecutor, who is now handling the case. Demand that all crimes committed against 16 year old Dione Payne be presented to the grand jury on Michael A. Geldrich and Michael J. Watson- for the hate crime of rape, robbery and murder! The prosecutor can be contacted at the number and email below:
David Fornshell
David.Fornshell@co.warren.oh.usAsk why these criminals have not been charged for raping the 16-year-old boy who they murdered. Also ask why hate crime charges are being excluded, when this does not seem to have been a common practice for these drug buyers to rape and beat-to-death previous people who they have tried to procure narcotics from.
Are these charges being brushed off because there were drugs potentially involved, or for some other reason that neither the police, the City of Franklin nor the local media are reporting.
SPREAD THE WORD and get people involved. Tell everyone you know who thinks this 16-year-old rape and murder victim deserves justice, in spite of his “troubled past”.
(Article by Micah Naziri; image via PBSpot)
Please reblog, you guys. More people need to know about this kid and what happened to him.
Justice for this young boy!!
FULL: President Obama Speech at 50th Anniversary of March on Washington, Pays Tribute to MLK (by YouHotNews)
They Don’t Care About Us (Prison Version) - Michael Jackson (by mjbeautifulsmile)