1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and see yourself and your race widely represented and spoken for.
3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of colour/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists.
8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
Related Thought
Explaining White Privilege To A Broke White Person…
9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
Related Thought
White Privilege From A White Dude’s Perspective
15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treat people of colour unfairly politically, socially and economically and choosing, instead, to believe that people of colour are inherently less capable.
17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Hey bigots, I’m a Gay Black American and I’m Catholic!
18 Things White People Seem To Not Understand (Because, White Privilege) →
As a black person this makes me really proud but at the same time it really frustrates me because the news never focus on the positive qualities of blacks which in reality actually out weighs the negatives but the media only focus on the negatives.. why does a 4 year old black boy cussing makes huge media headlines but a 4 year black girl genius does not……that’s what really frustrates me.
what really frustrates me is that these people are all younger than me and have their whole life planned and are freaking geniuses and I’m here learning how to draw a cat with online tutorials.
“why does a 4 year old black boy cussing makes huge media headlines but a 4 year black girl genius does not”
Exactly!!! You won’t see Fox News reporting this
It really is that simple!!
Dominican NYPD Officer Says Superior Had ‘Hit List’ To ‘Crush’ Minority Officers
A NYPD officer plans to sue the city for $15 million, saying she has been the victim of a racially and sexually charged work environment since 2011.
Eunice Vilaseca claims her supervisor at the NYPD’s Housing Bureau in the Bronx, Lt. Dennis Azambuja, repeatedly discriminated against her and other minority employees while other supervisors ignored or condoned his actions, according to a notice of claim her lawyers filed March 14.
According to the notice of claim, Azambuja — who works at NYPD’s Public Service Area 8 at the Throggs Neck Houses — announced that he had a “Hit List” of African American and Hispanic workers he disliked for their ethnicity. He also made offensive comments about Vilaseca’s “Spanish hair,” and “openly referred to females as ‘Bitches’” in the workplace, according to the notice of claim filed by the Sanders Firm.
Vilaseca, who is Dominican, said she filed numerous complaints with the Office of Equal Employment and the Internal Affairs Bureau, but that there was no change in Azambuja’s workplace behavior, according to the notice of claim.
According to the Daily News, Vilaseca complained about Azambuja’s behavior, NYPD brass questioned her sanity and put her on modified assignment, Sanders claims.
“It was the same game they played with (Officer Adrian) Schoolcraft,” said Sanders, referring to the Brooklyn cop who was detained by the NYPD and locked in a insane asylum for 6 days against his will when the department realized he was going to public with incriminating evidence against them.
The scandal comes just days after Officer Adrain Schoolcraft and Officer Pedro Serrano testified in court, providing evidence that the NYPD illegally set quotas for stop and frisk, told by their officers to target “male blacks 14 to 21” and illegally ‘misrepresented’ crime reports to decrease the official crime rates in NYC.
A group of homophobic cops committed “a hate crime” at a gay pride party in Brooklyn early Sunday, beating up the host while screaming hateful slurs, the alleged victim told the Daily News.
Officers from the 77th Precinct, responding to reports of noise at the Sterling Place party, “bum-rushed” Jabbar Campbell after he opened the door of his apartment.
“They were screaming and cursing saying things like ‘fag,’ ‘homo,’ ‘a—hole,’ just a bunch of anti-gay slurs,” Campbell, a 32-year-old forensic specialist, told The News.
Campbell said he was beaten by the officers, who bloodied his mouth, split open his lip and caused swelling to his left eye. He was then handcuffed and charged with resisting arrest — and spent 24 hours in police custody.
Campbell filed legal paperwork Wednesday revealing his intention to sue the city.
The incident began around 2:50 a.m. with two cops responding to a noise complaint at Jabbar’s Crown Heights building. The officers told revelers — some dressed in drag — outside Campbell’s home to keep it down.
Those officers left, but about 10 minutes later, another group of cops arrived, Campbell said.
The officers buzzed at the locked door — and one even reached out to disable the surveillance camera in the vestibule.
“They were trying to open the door, but it was locked,” Campbell said. “They were banging with their flashlights.”
After about 10 minutes, Campbell let the officers in.
“They said, ‘Stop resisting arrest.’ I said, ‘I am not resisting.’”
But the cops beat him up anyway, he said.
“I blacked out. I was concerned for my life,” said Campbell.
The victim’s lawyer said the officer’s attempt to disable the camera would be a key part of the case.
“They were trying to conceal the evidence by turning the camera away,” said the lawyer, Herb Subin. “They committed a hate crime inside a gay pride event.”
The NYPD did not respond to an initial request for comment.
Note: A protest will be held on Monday the 21st at 1313 Sterling Place Brooklyn @ 4pm to demand justice for Campbell.
And you wanna know why black queer folks don’t get down with cops??? Things like this happen all too often, yet we’re supposed to be satisfied with gay marriage?
please, tell me more about how we should focus on homophobia before racism because “racism is over”
I don’t think racism is over but it looks like this was an attack on his sexuality more than his skin colour. Maybe he would be more likely to be a victim of this kind of attack than a white gay man but the evidence clearly shows this was a more of a homophobic attack than a racist one.
Sorry, the Oppression Olympics is cancelled.
Time for a lesson in remedial intersectionality.
Intersecting oppressions don’t add together, they multiply by each other. Take a look some time at the names and faces of the people we remember on the Transgender Day of Rememberance… most of those people are women who died because of transphobia/transmisogyny, and yet… most of them are women of color. Wouldn’t it be an astounding coincidence if that just sort of happened?
The cops who did this were homophobic, yes. That was the positive motivating force behind their attack, the “motive”. But the reason they attacked this man, this party, and not others is that white privilege protects white gay men. A cop who did this might have passed dozens of white men and thought (or said) slurs, but he knew there would be hell to pay if he acted on his bigotry, so he took it no further than that.
Racism is so entrenched in our society that at this point it’s all but invisible to those who benefit from it. The effects are there in what we don’t suffer, and this is particularly obvious in dealings with police. When white kids caught with drugs are let off with a warning or given drug court/treatment options and Black kids are sent straight into the bowels of the penal system for the rest of their lives, you can say “Well clearly they were sent to prison for drugs, not for being Black.”
And your logic would be as sound as it is in this case.
Which is to say, only sound if you insist on throwing out most of the picture of what happened.
You say you can read, but the question is: can you think?
The media will probably soon portray him as a hoodlum/thug.
End of the World as We Know It... I Feel Fine!
Funny how people are saying that the Mayans were wrong. Wrong about what? Know one really knows… Why don’t we know? Hmmm…. maybe because White settlers killed them off by force and disease.
We have calenders that we hang on our kitchen walls or in our cubicles at work and they cycle through every 12 months. Imagine if we suddenly stopped making calendars… Would 2013 be our last year? I think not.
Maybe if the greedy, genocidal savages that took their land and destroyed their culture were not out to conquer and were truly explorers, then we would know more about the 5000 year calendar and the Mayans.
We have to chop down trees to create millions upon millions of calendars each year… The Mayan made carvings that have lasted centuries… They were onto something! Those that could not see that, or were afraid of it were in the wrong.
‘Tis a shame that they are not around to carve out another 5000 years and teach us a few things about life.
I am keeping that faith… I am going to stay in the belief that we have entered a new era… an era of Love and Peace. I may not see it all come to fruition in my lifetime but I do believe it has begun.
A Black man kills, he's a menace to society. A Foreign man kills, he's a terrorist. But when a White man kills, he's psychologically unstable.
Double Standards.
Republicans’ Committee Chair(MEN).
Another thing that’s awful —> What radical positions these men have taken.
Just Sayin'
Where are the #black #gaymarriage photos & articles? #justsayin #equality #lgbt #wtf #smh
— Christian L. Aviance (@angelindiskies) October 9, 2012
Amazing campaign from Ohio University