Drug Education and Rehab: Prescription Drugs Can Lead To Addiction


Anti-drug campaigns are more and more leaning toward an emphasis on prescription drugs.  This is not to say that the other drugs like marijuana, heroin, crack,  ecstasy, alcohol  and so on are not still a big problem, but this whole new area of prescription drugs is now being acknowledged as an additional problem and this recognition is past due.

Prescription drugs are misused not only by the person with the prescription not following the recommended consumption but too often doctors prescribes drugs without really looking into the problem and discovering a more natural solution.

Also, what is turning out to be more of a problem is prescription drugs such as Ritalin are sold on the black market.  The pushing of these drugs in schools in a rapidly growing issue.  Since they are legal, although not when sold in this guise, they will have somewhat less of a black mark connected to them than do drugs like cocaine or heroin, for example.

On top of all this is the reality that, like it or not, the FDA approves drugs that they really have no business approving.  You would think the FDA is in competition with the IRS as the most corrupt federal organization in history but that is a story for another day.  Suffice to say, on that point, just because the FDA approves a drug does not mean that it is safe to take.

Beyond those points, I, increasingly, get calls pertaining to this web site from individuals who were on prescription drugs, got addicted and require drug rehab.  In some cases it is likely that it was from doctor neglect and other times from patients misusing the prescription.  I any case, prescription drugs can be very addictive.  They have created many drug addicts.

The subject of psychotropic drugs is another whole matter.  These were created to handle mostly the disorders invented by psychiatrists.  These invented disorders are voted on by the psychiatrists and that is their only validity, the arbitrary opinion inspired by greed and group agreement.  The drugs in this category include Prozac, Xanax and that ilk.  They have caused many sorrows for their users with very limited results.  The reason they are so frequently used at all is PR campaigns put on by drug companies under the guise of helping.  This type of drugs have created many addicts which, again, requires drug rehab.

Sadly doctors, and especially psychiatrists, cannot always be trusted to give us what is good for us.  This is why anytime your doctor wants to give you a drug always question him.  If he resents the questioning that is a good sign it might be time for a new doctor.