January 8th - In Thought
We come into recovery quite resistant to change. Having been in a relationship with drugs for so long, the very idea of not ever using again frightened us. The longer we stayed away from the drugs the more open we became to a better, happier life. The evidence is seen in other recovering addicts living their lives without the use of drugs. This gives us hope and strengthens our faith in the recovery process. We begin to feel that in recovery is not just were we need to be but where we want to be. From honestly admitting we have a problem, and having faith in a power that could help us on a daily basis not pick up that first one, we ask for strength from that power to continue our journey on the road to recovery.
In recovery we learn to let go and to not force our will onto others. This is not easy. Due to our self-centered egos wanting things our way or having a need to be right all the time. Becoming willing is to admit that we do not have all the answers and we do not need to be in, or take, control of every situation. If we continue to take the next right action, we will be taken care of and we can accept that we are exactly where we are meant to be - one day at a time.