The Master Cleanse Redux - Day 2:
Today was a struggle. Originally, I had plans to go to Long Island with some friends. I neglected to ask about the details. Turns out we wouldn’t have gotten back until after midnight. I had only brought enough servings to get me to early evening hours. Also, I had not packed my medications with me (I take them at night). When I tried this last month, my day 2 didn’t come with much cravings if I remember. There are moments that still remind me of crashing from crystal meth use (shakes, fatigue).
So, I came back home and was bored out of my mind. When I am bored, I crave food. I suddenly wanted Thai food. I have some fruit on my kitchen table, I wanted that too. Herbal teas are allowed on the cleanse so I opted for a few cups in between a servings of the Lemonade.
I made it through the day without cheating.