January 6th - In Thought

Word of the Day - Strength

For many an addict, asking for help was a sign of weakness.  We had to appear self-sufficient.  Dressing up the outside to hide our unmanageable lives from those close to us.  When faced with adversity we masked our feelings in public and in private we used drugs to escape what we had lost the ability to cope with.  The feeling of hopelessness paralyzed us with fear and we returned time and time again to drugs for relief even after the drugs stopped working.  

After surrendering to recovery, we slowing begin to find faith in something that can help us.  We learn from other recovering addicts that we do not need to do this alone.  We hear from others how they cope with stressful situations.  We are reminded that, for us, recovering addicts, there is no situation so bad that using drugs will not make worse and there is no situation so great and that using drugs will not ruin.  We don’t pick up no matter what!  We gain strength through the experiences of those who’ve been through difficulties and yet have stayed clean.  "If they can do it, so can I!“  We learn to ask for help and become open to, and begin to take, suggestions.  We have hope for ourselves when see the transformation of others that stay in recovery and find a new way to live.  Through prayer and mediation we connect with power greater than ourselves, greater than our addiction, to help keep us clean today.

The facade does not hold up the structure…

We build our recovery from the experience, strength, and hope of others, on a foundation of honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness  - one day at a time.