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January 24th - Word of the Day - Sex


1.  either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.

2.  the sum of the structural and functional differences by which  the male and female are distinguished, or the phenomena or behavior dependent on these differences.

3.  the instinct or attraction drawing one sex toward another, or its manifestation in life and conduct.

4.  coitus.

5. genitalia.

verb (used with object)
6. to ascertain the sex of, especially of newly-hatchedchicks.

Verb phrase
7. sex up, Informal .
     a.  to arouse sexually: The only intent of that show was to sex up the audience.
     b. to increase the appeal of; to make more interesting, attractive, or exciting: We’ve decided to sex up the movie with some battle scenes.

8. to have sex, to engage in sexual intercourse.