October 24th - Word of the Day - Continue


verb (used without object)
1. to go on after suspension or interruption: The program continued after an intermission.

2. to go on or keep on, as in some course or action; extend:  The road continues for three miles.

3. to last or endure: The strike continued for two months.

4. to remain in a particular state or capacity: The general agreed to continue in command of the army.

5.to remain in a place; abide; stay: Let us continue in this house forever.

verb (used with object)
to go on with or persist in:  to continue an action.

7. to carry on from the point of suspension or interruption:  He continued the concert after the latecomers were seated.

8. to extend from one point to another in space; prolong.

9. to say in  continuation.

10. to cause to last or endure; maintain or retain, as in a position.

11. to carry over, postpone, or adjourn; keep pending, as a legal proceeding.