
February 10th - In Thought

Word of the Day - Edify

I’ve heard some people say that drugs actually saved their lives.  What they meant was that they found a solution for them, at that time, instead jumping off a bridge.  It’s possible that this goes for me too; I had suicidal ideations most of my teenage years in to adulthood with 5 attempts of ending it all.  

Two of those attempts to take my own life was during a psychotic break while I was high.  So, drugs use in the beginning may have been a solution, however, towards the end I was back to wanting to jump off that bridge.  

One thing, I thank God for is music.  There are many songs out there that when I was in my darkest hour I would listen to and the lyrics did edify my diminished soul.  I am ever so grateful for lyricists, singers, composers and band that created songs that got me through.  

Today, listening to others share the experience in life as addicts and the hope as recovering addicts helps to lift my spirits as well.  I know that I cannot stay clean on my own.  I need to help and I get that help from others who have been through many of the same struggles I have and they still stay clean.   

Recovery helps me to remain open to having my spirit awakened  - one day at a time.

Poll: Given Choice Between Palin and Trump, Most Voters Choose Suicide « Borowitz Report

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – A new survey of likely voters indicates that in a hypothetical match-up between former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and billionaire Donald Trump, a majority would choose suicide over either candidate.

The poll, conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, shows Mr. Trump drawing 21%, Gov. Palin 18%, and various forms of suicide 61%.

“Throwing yourself in front of a speeding city bus” was the most popular means of suicide at 22%, with “jumping off the roof of a really tall building or bridge” coming in second at 17%.

According to pollster Davis Logsdon, the surging popularity of suicide bodes ill for both Gov. Palin and Mr. Trump as potential presidential candidates in 2012.

“It’s still very early, but even at this stage of the game the prospect of one of those two being nominated shouldn’t be making voters want to kill themselves in these numbers,” Mr. Logsdon said.

Reached at his home in New York City, Mr. Trump pointed out that while he did not do as well as suicide, he still polled higher than Gov. Palin, adding, “That’s better than a sharp stick in the eye.”

But Mr. Logsdon was quick to throw cold water on Mr. Trump’s upbeat assessment: “In a head-to-head match-up, a sharp stick in the eye beats Donald Trump by a two-to-one margin.”

Meanwhile, Gov. Palin called for the White House to release pictures of Osama bin Laden, arguing, “I only read books with pictures.”