
Word of the Day - Rigid


1. stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: a rigid strip of metal.

2.firmly fixed or set.

3.inflexible, strict, or severe: a rigid disciplinarian; rigid rules of social behavior.

4.exacting; thorough; rigorous: a rigid examination. as to meet precise standards; stringent: lenses ground to rigid specifications.

6.Mechanics . of, pertaining to, or noting a body in which the distance between any pair of points remains fixed under all forces; having infinite values for its shear modulus, bulk modulus, and Young’s modulus.

7.Aeronautics .
(of an airship or dirigible) having a form maintained by a stiff, unyielding structure contained within the envelope.
pertaining to a helicopter rotor that is held fixedly at its root.