Word of the Day - Admit
verb, -mit·ted, -mit·ting.
verb (used with object)
1.to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: to admit a student to college.
3. to permit to exercise a certain function or privilege: admitted to the bar.
4. to permit; allow.
5. to allow or concede as valid: to admit the force of an argument.
6. to acknowledge; confess: He admitted his guilt.
7. to grant in argument; concede: The fact is admitted.
8. to have capacity for: This passage admits two abreast.
verb (used without object)
9. to permit entrance; give access: This door admits to the garden.
10. to grant opportunity or permission (usually followed by of ): The contract admits of no other interpretation.
1. receive. 6. own, avow. See acknowledge.