
Word of the Day - Want

[wont, wawnt]

verb (used with object)
1.to feel a need or a desire for; wish for: to want one’s dinner; always wanting something new.

2.to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire (often followed by an infinitive): I want to see you. She wants to be notified.

3.to be without or be deficient in: to want judgment; to want knowledge.

4.to fall short by (a specified amount): The sum collected wants but a few dollars of the desired amount.

5.to require or need: The house wants painting.

verb (used without object)

6.to feel inclined; wish; like (often followed by to ): We can stay home if you want.

7.to be deficient by the absence of some part or thing, or to feel or have a need (sometimes followed by for ): He did not want for abilities.

8.to have need (usually followed by for ): If you want for anything, let him know.

9.to be in a state of destitution, need, or poverty: She would never allow her parents to want.

10.to be lacking or absent, as a part or thing necessary to completeness: All that wants is his signature.


11.something wanted or needed; necessity: My wants are few.

12.something desired, demanded, or required: a person of childish, capricious wants.

13.absence or deficiency of something desirable or requisite; lack: plants dying for want of rain.

14.the state of being without something desired or needed; need: to be in want of an assistant.

15.the state of being without the necessaries of life; destitution; poverty: a country where want is virtually unknown.
16.a sense of lack or need of something: to feel a vague want.


17. want in/out, Chiefly Midland .
     a.to desire to enter or leave: The cat wants in.
     b.Informal . to desire acceptance in or release from something specified: I talked with Louie about our plan, and he wants in.