Word of the Day - Format

noun, verb, -mat·ted, -mat·ting.

1.the shape and size of a book as determined by the number of times the original sheet has been folded to form  the leaves. Compare duodecimo, folio ( def. 2 ) , octavo, quarto.

2.the general physical appearance of a book, magazine, or newspaper, such as the typeface, binding, quality of paper, margins, etc.

3.the organization, plan, style, or type of something: The format of the show allowed for topical and controversial gags.

4.Computers . the arrangement of data for computer input or output, such as the number and size of fields in a record or the spacing and punctuation of information in a report.

verb (used with object)
5.to plan or provide a format for: to format the annual telethon.

6.Computers .
     a.to set the format of (input or output): Some word-processing programs format output in a variety of ways.
     b.to prepare (a disk) for writing and reading.

verb (used without object)
7. to devise a format.