Word of the Day - Pain


1.physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.

2.a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body: a back pain.

3.mental or emotional suffering or torment: I am sorry my news causes you such pain.

4. pains,
     a.laborious or careful efforts; assiduous care: Great pains have been taken to repair the engine perfectly.
     b.the suffering of childbirth.

5.Informal . an annoying or troublesome person or thing.

verb (used with object)
6.to cause physical pain to; hurt.

7.to cause (someone) mental or emotional pain; distress: Your sarcasm pained me.

verb (used without object)
8.to have or give pain.

9. feel no pain, Informal . to be intoxicated: After all that free beer, we were feeling no pain.

10. on / upon / under pain of, liable to the penalty of: on pain of death.  

11. pain in the ass, Slang: Vulgar . pain ( def. 5 ) .

12. pain in the neck, Informal . pain ( def. 5 ) .