drug addiciton

June 25th - Word of the Day - Equality



–noun, plural -ties.

1. the state or quality of being equal;  correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.

2. uniform character, as of motion or surface.

3. Mathematics . a statement that two quantities are equal; equation.

 1.  equivalency, parity, correspondence, sameness; justice, fairness, impartiality.

Word of the Day - Tradition


[truh-dish-uh n]


1.the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice: a story that has come down to us by popular tradition.

2.something that is handed down: the traditions of the Eskimos.

3.a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting: The rebellious students wanted to break with tradition.

4.a continuing pattern of culture beliefs or practices.

5.a customary or characteristic method or manner: The winner took a victory lap in the usual track tradition.

6.Theology .
      a.(among Jews) body of laws and doctrines, or any one of them, held to have been received from Moses and originally handed down orally from generation to generation.
     b.(among Christians) a body of teachings, or any one of them, held to have been delivered by Christ and His apostles but not originally committed to writing.
     c.(among Muslims) a hadith.

7.Law . an act of handing over something to another, especially in a formal legal manner; delivery; transfer.

Pet me and give me a treat...

Today, at some point during the day, I felt as if I was being treated like child by someone, or as if I were someone with special needs being harassed by a person who insisted on helping them when it’s clear they don’t need or want any assistance.  What I mean by that is, the person spoke to me with a tone in which, I felt, true sincerity was lacking, yet the words used helped this person put on a show for everyone else listening to show that he/she “cared”.  Pure bullshit! 

I wanted to say, “Are you gonna pet me and give me treat now?"  Secondly, I wanted to leap from seat and backhand the pompous, pretentious, condescending, etc etc little prick, but I didn’t. 

Some people are more sick than others.  No matter how much this person makes me sick, I will pray for this person.