Vice journalist gets sacked for journalism.
This year is going all out
There is no Freedom of the Press
This is why we need Freedom FROM the Press
Vice journalist gets sacked for journalism.
This year is going all out
There is no Freedom of the Press
This is why we need Freedom FROM the Press
1. an immoral or evil habit or practice. Synonyms: fault, failing, foible, weakness. Antonyms: virtue.
2. immoral conduct; depraved or degrading behavior: a life of vice. Synonyms: depravity, sin, iniquity, wickedness, corruption. Antonyms: virtue, morality.
3. sexual immorality, especially prostitution. Synonyms: wantonness, degeneracy, licentiousness.
4. a particular form of depravity.
5. a fault, defect, or shortcoming: a minor vice in his literary style. Synonyms: flaw, blemish, imperfection, foible, weakness.
6. a bad habit, as in a horse.
7. ( initial capital letter ) a character in the English morality plays, a personification of general vice or of a particular vice, serving as the buffoon.
8. Archaic . a physical defect, flaw, or infirmity: In most cases, attempts to relieve the symptoms will be of little avail without at the same time relieving or removing the constitutional vice which has induced this condition.