Word of the Day - Vice


1. an immoral or evil habit or practice. fault, failing, foible, weakness. Antonyms: virtue.

2. immoral conduct; depraved or degrading behavior: a life of vice. depravity, sin, iniquity, wickedness, corruption. Antonyms: virtue, morality.

3. sexual immorality, especially prostitution. Synonyms: wantonness, degeneracy, licentiousness.

4. a particular form of depravity.

5. a fault, defect, or shortcoming: a minor vice in his literary style. Synonyms: flaw, blemish, imperfection, foible, weakness.

6. a bad habit, as in a horse.

7. ( initial capital letter ) a character in the English morality plays, a personification of general vice or of a particular vice, serving as the buffoon.

8. Archaic . a physical defect, flaw, or infirmity: In most cases, attempts to relieve the symptoms will be of little avail without at the same time relieving or removing the constitutional vice which has induced this condition.