word of the Day

Word of the Day - Positive


1. explicitly stated, stipulated, or expressed: a positive acceptance of the agreement.

2. admitting of no question: positive proof.

3. stated; express; emphatic: a positive denial.

4. confident in opinion or assertion; fully assured: He is positive that he will win the contest.

5. overconfident or dogmatic: The less he knows, the more positive he gets.

6. without relation to or comparison with other things; not relative or comparative; absolute.

Informal . downright; out-and-out: She’s a positive genius.

determined by enactment or convention; arbitrarily laid down: positive law.

emphasizing what is laudable, hopeful, or to the good; constructive: a positive attitude toward the future; positive things to say about a painting.

not speculative or theoretical; practical: a positive approach to the problem.

possessing an actual force, being, existence, etc.

Philosophy .
     a. constructive and sure, rather than skeptical.
     b. concerned with or based on matters of experience: positive philosophy.

showing or expressing approval or agreement; favorable: a positive reaction to the speech.

consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of distinguishing or marked qualities or features ( opposed to negative): Light is positive, darkness negative.

noting the presence of such qualities, as a term.

measured or proceeding in a direction assumed as beneficial, progressive, or auspicious: a positive upturn in the stock market.

Electricity .
     a. of, pertaining to, or characterized by positive electricity.
     b. indicating a point in a circuit that has a higher potential than that of another point, the current flowing from the point of higher potential to the point of lower potential.

of, pertaining to, or noting the north pole of a magnet.

Chemistry . (of an element or group) tending to lose electrons and become positively charged; basic.

Grammar . being, noting, or pertaining to the initial degree of the comparison of adjectives and adverbs, as the positive form good. Compare comparative ( def. 4 ) , superlative ( def. 2 ) .

Medicine/Medical .
     a. (of blood, affected tissue, etc.) showing the presence of disease.
     b. (of a diagnostic test) indicating disease.

Biochemistry . Rh factor.

Mathematics . noting a quantity greater than zero.

(of government) assuming control or regulation of activities beyond those involved merely with the maintenance of law and order.

Biology . oriented or moving toward the focus of excitation: a positive tropism.

Photography . denoting a print or transparency showing the brightness values as they are in the subject.

Machinery . noting or pertaining to a process or machine part having a fixed or certain operation, especially as the result of elimination of play, free motion, etc.: positive lubrication.

28. something positive.

29. a positive quality or characteristic.

30. a positive quantity or symbol.

31. Grammar .
     a. the positive degree.
     b. a form in the positive, as good  or smooth.

Photography . a positive image, as on a print or transparency.

February 23rd - Word of the Day - Sloth

[slawth or, especially for 2, slohth]

1. habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness.
2. any of several slow-moving, arboreal, tropical American edentates of the family Bradypodidae, having a long, coarse, grayish-brown coat often of a greenish cast caused by algae, and long, hooklike claws used in gripping tree branches while hanging or moving along in a habitual upside-down position.
3. a pack or group of bears.

 shiftlessness, idleness, slackness.

February 11th - Word of the Day - Pattern

[pat-ern; Brit. pat-n]

1. a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.

2. decoration or ornament having such a design.
3. a natural or chance marking, configuration, or design: patterns of frost on the window.
4. a distinctive style, model, or form: a new pattern of army helmet.
5. a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement: the behavior patterns of teenagers.
6. an original or model considered for or deserving of imitation: Our constitution has been a pattern for those of many new republics.
7. anything fashioned or designed to serve as a model or guide for something to be made: a paper pattern for a dress.
8. a sufficient quantity of material for making a garment.
9. the path of flight established for an aircraft approaching an airport at which it is to land.
10. a diagram of lines transmitted occasionally by a television station to aid in adjusting receiving sets; test pattern.
11. Metallurgy . a model or form, usually of wood or metal, used for giving the shape of the interior of a mold.
12. Numismatics . a coin, either the redesign of an existing piece or the model for a new one, submitted for authorization as a regular issue.
13. an example, instance, sample, or specimen.
14. Gunnery, Aerial Bombing .
     a. the distribution of strikes around a target at which artillery rounds have been fired or on which bombs have been dropped.
     b. a diagram showing such distribution.

verb (used with object)
15. to make or fashion after or according to a pattern.
16. to cover or mark with a pattern.
17. Chiefly British Dialect .
     a. to imitate.
     b. to attempt to match or duplicate.

verb (used without object)
18. to make or fall into a pattern.

January 17th - Word of the Day - Attention

[n. uh-ten-shuh’n; interj. uh-ten-shuhn]

1. the act or faculty of attending, especially by directing the mind to an object.

2. Psychology .
     a. a concentration of the mind on a single object or thought, especially one preferentially selected from a complex, with a view to limiting or clarifying receptivity by narrowing the range of stimuli.
     b. a state of consciousness characterized by such concentration.
     c. a capacity to maintain selective or sustained concentration.

3. observant care; consideration: Individual attention is given to each child.

4. civility or courtesy: attention to a guest.

5. notice or awareness: His deliberate cough caught the waiter’s attention.

6. attentions, acts of courtesy or devotion indicating affection, as in courtship.

7. Military . an erect position with eyes to the front, arms to the sides, and heels together (often used as a command).

December 30th - Word of the Day - Truthful


1. telling the truth,  especially habitually: a truthful person.

conforming to truth: a truthful statement.

corresponding with reality: a truthful portrait.