As a Black man… The news has been fed to me, with a narrative that hasn’t been entirely truthful, my entire life.
Christian Ledan
As a Black man… The news has been fed to me, with a narrative that hasn’t been entirely truthful, my entire life.
Christian Ledan
GENDER ARREST (by MajorTom2GroundCntrl)
My friend Temmie Nora Thames
So proud of her. Thank you Temmie for being a Change Agent!
This photo of HBO’s Hung Star Thomas Jane, shot by Jill Greenberg, was taken for V-Man‘s “Risk” issue, but not published. A khaki suit was ordered for the shoot, but Greenberg had no interest in doing a straight fashion image, so decided to create an homage to Robert Mapplethorpe’s infamous Man in the Polyester Suit photograph. This image was eventually published in American Photography 28.
April 29, 2012 4:00 PM
Dr. Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, has revolutionized how science and medicine view addiction: as a disease, not a character defect. Morley Safer reports.
Hooked: Why bad habits are hard to breakWendy’s Thoughts on the Passing of Whitney Houston (by WendyWilliamsShow)
Amazing message… Thank you Wendy!!
I was on TV yesterday… Anderson
This was the Topic
I am the guy in the green button down shirt.
Yes… Anderson is hot in-person.
Being Gay is a Gift from God (by 128inArizona)
“Deep End”
The Meth Project
Are there PSAs aired in foreign countries asking them to sponsor a needy or hungry child in the United Stated?
Which TV icons will be the spokespersons when I am in my 70s?