A friend will pull you up from the edge of a cliff
A true friend would have told you not to wear stilettos on a hiking trip
Christian Ledan
A friend will pull you up from the edge of a cliff
A true friend would have told you not to wear stilettos on a hiking trip
Christian Ledan
You aren’t hard to love just because you want to be treated right and expect a level of decency in a relationship.
A life beyond my wildest dreams. That’s what is possible in recovery.
For me, wildest dreams equals nightmares. What had become life, what I made my life into, and how I saw my life as being was all a nightmare. Thinking that I had arrived, that I somehow was fulfilling my dreams on a dance floor, doing another bump, and not sleeping until Sunday evening was truly insane thinking. I was accomplishing nothing more than escaping my reality for brief periods of time.
The lights always came on… and life outside would always be there.
So discontent with my present I blamed everything on others; My parents, the educational system, my family, God, being black in America, a boss or an organization et al were all to blame for my present hardship. Hmmmm, maybe it’s the drugs, I said never.
I would beat myself up about not pursuing a dream of mine to be a singer (at one time in my life, I did have a great singing voice). Naturally, I blamed my parents and the educational system for my lack of motivation to chase this dream. That didn’t work out very well. Putting down the ‘party’ didn’t really cross my mind.
Not having a degree; well, that’s because I’m black in America. Wrong! Maybe it was being at the club/bar on a school night was more important. Yup, that could have been it.
If I were not fired from that job, then I would be running that company by now. Oh really, with what degree. and how many Mondays did I miss work? I dreamed big, I made Associate. Oh wait, that what they call all their employees.
So, what happens now?
I stopped using drugs and started working on the issues that I became am Escape-aholic to cope with. I am still working on those issues. I try to not blame others for my challenges in life. I know now and accept my limitations and seek out help when needed. I concentrate on my strengths and try not sabotage things that are going well and in their own time (that’s the toughest one). In doing that, new dreams have awakened. Dreams of happiness, of having and keeping wonderful people in my life and me being a part of their lives, of being a better person today than I was yesterday, achieving my goals not for status but because it can be done and it feels right.
As long as I do not pickup that first drugs, I will far removed from the nightmare and the possibilities are endless. In recovery I get to live in the present, dream big, and do something about it - one day at a time.
The Weigh-In:
I put on the same outfit (boots and all) I had on at the Doctor’s office 2 days before I started The Master Cleanse. On January 16th, I weighed-in at 181 lbs.
It was recommended that I weigh myself in the morning and after I had used the “facilities”. With the same outfit, this morning I weigh 167.8 lbs. That’s 13.2 lbs I have lost doing the cleanse. My actual weight in the buff *blush* is 163.4 lbs! That means if I was undressed when was weighed at the Doctor’s office, I was approximately 176.6 lbs.
Word of advise, remember what you are wearing on your body does have weight to it. Also, weigh yourself in the morning after going to the bathroom and before your ingest anything.
Now to begin the ease out.