
Cleansing Again

Today is Day 1 of another go at the Master Cleanse after a 3 day ease-in.  This time I’m doing it more for detox rather than for weight loss.  So, I am drinking more servings than last time; 8 to 10 per day instead of the minimum allowed 6.  Although, if it helps with the muffin-top then I’ll take it! For the record, this morning I weighed in at 156 lbs.

Same as last time…  I can’t stand that feeling as if I am coming down from, or crashing from doing drugs.  If I recall, I felt the same thing during the first 3 days back in January.  

I am not hungry at all, someone today was eating strawberry shortcake right in front of me and I had no desire to have any when offered.  

Anyway… We’ll see how this round goes… hopefully I can make to 10 days again.

Word of the Day - Crash


verb (used without object) make a loud, clattering noise, as of something dashed to pieces. break or fall to pieces with noise.

3.(of moving vehicles, objects, etc.) to collide, especially violently and noisily. move or go with a crash; strike with a crash.

5.Aeronautics . to land in an abnormal manner, usually causing severe damage: The airliner crashed. collapse or fail suddenly, as a financial enterprise: The stock market crashed.

7.Informal . to gain admittance to a party, performance, etc., without an invitation, ticket, or permission.

8.Slang . sleep. have a temporary place to sleep or live without payment: He let me crash at his house. fall asleep: I get home in the evening and I just crash till it’s time for dinner.

9.Slang . to experience unpleasant sensations, as sudden exhaustion or depression, when a drug, especially an amphetamine, wears off.

10.Medicine/Medical Slang . to suffer cardiac arrest.

11.Ecology . (of a population) to decline rapidly.

12.Computers . to shut down because of a malfunction of hardware or software.
verb (used with object) break into pieces violently and noisily; shatter. force or drive with violence and noise (usually followed by in, through, out,  etc.).

15.Aeronautics . to cause (an aircraft) to make a landing in an abnormal manner, usually damaging or wrecking the aircraft.

16.Informal . gain admittance to, even though uninvited: to crash a party. enter without a ticket, permission, etc.: to crash the gate at a football game.
17.a sudden loud noise, as of something being violently smashed or struck: the crash of thunder.

18.a breaking or falling to pieces with loud noise: the sudden crash of dishes.

19.a collision or crashing,  as of automobiles, trains, etc.

20.the shock of collision and breaking.

21.a sudden and violent falling to ruin.

22. a sudden general collapse of a business enterprise, prosperity, the stock market, etc.: the crash of 1929.

23.Aeronautics . an act or instance of crashing.

24.Ecology . a sudden, rapid decline in the size of a population.
25. characterized by an intensive effort, especially to deal with an emergency, meet a deadline, etc.: a crash plan to house flood victims; a crash diet.